Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Monkey Islands tour of the Panama Canal

Last Saturday I rented a car and drove out to Gamboa, which is about 40 minutes from our apartment.  The Gamboa Rainforest Resort is a HUGE hotel and tourism complex located in the (you guessed it!) rainforest bordering the canal.

I bought a groupon a while ago for a tour with Gamboa Expeditions to see the monkeys on the islands in the Canal.  I didn't really know what to expect, mostly because I had pictured it to be a touristy, zoo-type of experience.  I was wrong and it was awesome.  These monkeys are wild, and go mostly undisturbed with the except of their supervisiona and care-taking from various conservation groups.  They seemed unbothered by our presence, and only wanted to see where the mangos were.

Canal operations


Can you spot the monkey?

That's a mango he's eating.

a baby cocodrile... aka crocodile!

Above, a beautiful hawk.

Above, cruisin' along until the monkeys tell us that they don't like the sound of our boat's motor

Below, Titi monkeys

This was right at the end of the tour, and I was absolutely terrified.


On our way to the island for lunch, we spotted the A super yacht transiting the Canal.  It's owned by a Russian billionaire, who spent $300 million on it.

Read more about it here:

Below, after lunch, here's my bottom half in a hammock. No complaints.

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