Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gastronomy Fair

Panama Gastronomica 2013
Atlapa Convention Center
August 31, 2013

Andrea and I are perhaps the ONLY two punctual people in Panama, so of course when we arrived on time to the fair, it was empty and most booths were barely ready or open.  Luckily, the Duran Coffee shop was open so while we waited, we could enjoy a nice cup of locally grown coffee.

Above, my Duran Cafe mug which is completely black until you pour a hot liquid into it... then it changes color to show the logo and a design on the other side.

Above, new corn (sweet, yellow corn) with my favorite, "ropa vieja" on top

Above, sous... like a ceviche type of dish, served cold.  Main ingredient: pigs feet.

Above, a HUGE pan of seafood paella.

Above and below, local catch.

Above, jam... and as you can imagine, I circled back to this on a few times.

Above, pipa... the coconut is inside of this.

As always, ending the afternoon with a beer.

This was a great afternoon spent with wonderful friends.  It was an amazing opportunity to see so many local chefs, restaurants and suppliers in one venue sampling their food and getting to know them.  Events like this really make me appreciate the small town feel of Panama despite it's big city facade.